Why do we need WhatsApp Chatbot for Insurance?

Insurerity Digital
3 min readMay 7, 2021


Insurerity Digital Ltd. | By Obed Annan

Source: https://www.kunocreative.com/hubfs/Chatbot-evolution-1.png

“It was a Friday evening around 8:00 am. I had an issue with my new classic blue Honda Civic. I tried to reach my insurance company to verify if this problem I was facing is covered in my insurance, but it was the beginning of the weekend, I tried to reach my agent, but it was to no avail. Here I am stranded in the middle of the road and out of touch with my insurance company. I would have to wait at least two days before getting answers to the questions running through my head. What happens to my car till then?”

It didn’t have to be like that. What if I could have used WhatsApp and, through a simple chat, sorted my insurance coverage to know my next step?

According to statista.com, WhatsApp is the most used social media platform in Ghana, with an approximation of 80% of internet users using this application on their smart devices. Facebook comes close to the number with 70% of internet users. Facebook has gone a long way in providing marketing and brand awareness to internet users over the years. With the number of devices connected to WhatsApp, it has been an ongoing conversation amongst business owners on utilising the platform to improve productivity and customer experience in the ecosystem.

In the insurance space, one does not necessarily win over customers by having the prettiest website. Or even the most well-known brand ambassadors. Even though those two factors may play a part.

Source: https://www.cequens.com/hubfs/CEQUENS_Real-Life-Examples-of-WhatsApp-Chatbot.png

And most importantly, acknowledging claims — on time and anywhere. Mostly, this problem arises when companies try to meet these goals. But are unable to do so because of the limitations of existing technology. Thankfully, we have emerging companies such as Insurerity Digital taking up the mantra to digitise the business processes of Insurance companies, making Insurance super convenient.

We have a situation in the country where Websites, forms, emails, and call centres are all miserable at delivering quick, easy or acceptable customer support, which creates an inconvenience to both parties. Also, we have Insurance companies leveraging on Agents to enhance the customer onboarding process. This has led to agents selling ghost policies to clients to enrich themselves, and in the case of genuine policies, the prices increase a little because of commission charges.

By using WhatsApp insurance chatbot, insurance companies can offer policy selections, claims tracking, and premium calculation. This can be done automatically and in a defined process. Customers can interact with chatbots at any given time and find policy details and make claims, renewals whenever needed. Their 24-hour availability and easy reach through the most preferred app have made chatbots the best tool for automation in the insurance sector.

The fact that the insurance sector practically works 24/7 further makes chatbots an excellent tool for the prospects and the existing policyholders at the time of need. With WhatsApp chatbot for insurance, both insurance agents and policyholders can save time while having a better experience working together.

In short, a WhatsApp Chatbot for Insurance allows companies to automate several offerings. Thus, making others more seamless.



Insurerity Digital

An African Insurtech based in Ghana promoting business growth, and expanding coverage through the digitizing of all insurance process for entities in the space.